Trey Pankratz

Credentials: 7th Year Graduate Student


Trey was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His pathway through undergrad was a bit tumultuous, starting at Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) in Grand Rapids, then doing a summer of research in the lab of Dr. Jeff Johnson at Hope college in Holland, Michigan. There he worked on a nickel-mediated coupling of boronic acids and phthalimides to produce ortho-substituted benzamides. From there, Trey went on to Grand Valley State University (GVSU) in Allendale, Michigan and worked in the lab of Dr. Richard Lord. With Dr. Lord, Trey worked on using time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) to model the excited states of a series of nickel pincer complexes. He then graduated from GVSU and arrived at UW-Madison in the Berry lab at the end of 2018. In his spare time Trey is a huge movie fan, enjoys reading Stephen King, loves a fancy cocktail occasionally, and tries his best to run, but often finds himself lacking the motivation to do this, so usually does literally anything else.

In the Berry group Trey’s works focuses on computational analysis, with a primary focus on HEMAC-style compounds, but with a flexibility to study other systems that the group produces. Currently his work focuses on two major projects in the group: Studying the rearrangement of equatorial ligands that occurs during the formation of the HEMACs synthesized in the group and studying the electronic structure of trimetallic compounds of the form RuRuM, where M is a transition metal.