Kaleb Anderson
Position title: Undergraduate Student

Kaleb grew up in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. After receiving the Chick Evans Scholarship for Caddies, he arrived at UW Madison to pursue a B.S. degree in chemistry. Kaleb is in his senior year at UW, and has been part of the Berry Group for approximately 1.5 years. In the future, Kaleb hopes to continue his education through graduate school to obtain Ph.D. in chemistry. During moments of free time, Kaleb enjoys being active via sports or exercise. He loves to golf and is a huge fan of comic books.
Kaleb is currently working on the synthesis of HEMAC compounds for the quantification of molecular conductance. His section involves synthesizing polymetallic complexes with Mo-Mo quadruple bonds, with an electron-donating lanthanide atom introduced to affect the complexes properties. At present, Kaleb is working on the unique effects lanthanides have on both trimetallic and pentametallic HEMACs.